Graphic Design
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Design Stack Agency
Mumbai, India
Anoop Patnaik
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Design Stack: A Branding & Design agency that builds, strengthens and nurtures brands.
We help a wide range of businesses realise a greater awareness and demand for their offerings. The studio comprises professionals with expertise in Brand Strategy, Graphic Design and Marketing Communications.

Great learning experience for an intern.Got a lot of exposure to the brands that Design Stack work with
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Design Stack Agency
Two NID designers, Priyanka and Anoop, came together in 2008 and started Design Stack. A Branding & Design agency, Design Stack is based out of Mumbai and services clients across the country. A highly specialised, 14-member team works on a wide variety of challenging projects.
The Design in 2020! Each year starts with many predictions, anticipations and a lot of hope for bad things to go out and good things to come in our life. The year 2020 has already started with eventful initial months and may hold more surprises in coming times. To understand what’s coming from the design perspective, we featured some of the best design projects from last year. Also discussed a few broad questions like how minimalism will affect our designs or what all an illustrator to keep in mind to be successful and much more.
As the festivity is all around, every brand or business is trying to impress the Indian audience. But what really works for us Indians? What is an Indian design? And how we can make designs for India? To understand it, we interviewed some Indian creatives who are successfully creating designs for the Indian audience. This issue of Creative Gaga is a light read for someone looking for inspirations or insights on Indian design and how the Indian audience can be enticed. So go ahead and order your copy or subscribe if you want to keep receiving a regular dose inspirations!