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Software Development

Lisam Systems

Dehradun, India



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Kamleshwar Prasad Raturi

The Best Vendor For :

Comprehensive set of Software and Regulatory Services


Lisam Systems is a global provider of Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) compliance management software solutions and services, operating from offices worldwide.

By combining an easy-to-use, flexible technology built on the Microsoft .NET platform, with the latest regulatory content, Lisam brings innovative, affordable and timely solutions to solve EH&S challenges faced by manufacturers, distributors and users of chemical products.

Working with industry associations and partners, Lisam has developed, proprietary, vertical EH&S solutions for the chemical, specialty chemical, cosmetics, aromas and flavorings, detergents, paints, coverings, coatings, plastics and energy industries. Today, more than 800 clients in these industries rely on Lisam’s flagship software, ExESS® to manage their compliant safety data sheets (SDS) and labels, designed for all major commercial markets and available in 50 languages.

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