Sarah Fleming
Glowing Hearts Charity
Glowing Hearts Charity is a registered charitable organization with a powerful mission: to break the cycle of poverty by empowering children and youth to reach their full potential.
Not for Profit

About the Winner
Glowing Hearts Charity is a registered charitable organization whose mission is to disrupt the cycle of poverty by empowering children and youth to realize their full potential. To date we have enable over 2500 children and youth that are vulnerable to poverty in Simcoe County to access resources and opportunities that supports their growth, confidence and self determination. GHC provides a variety of programs that are vital to our clients including the Backpacks for Youth, psycho educational assessments, youth choir and food baskets for families during school breaks to name just a few, that come at no cost to our clients.
We are the only charity in Simcoe County that offers these programs. Our families are directly impacted by what we do and are not burdened financially to receive these services.