Anne J Fuller
Les Pecheurs Internationale is a unique organisation and operates in a unique manner with a desire to help improve their quality of life for people of Madgascar.
Anne Fuller is the Co-Founder of Les Pecheurs Internationale Humanitarian Aid Organisation which was established in 2013.
She was responsible for the decision to commence operations in the country of Madagascar, one of the poorest countries in the world.
LPI has a Training Centre and Administration Offices in Antananarivo, the Capital of Madagascar.
It conducts a Micro-Enterprise Training Program which spans 6 months with students required to attend lectures one day each week. During this period each participant undertakes study in 26 aspects of small business, especially developed by LPI. During the 6 months each candidate prepares a detailed 5 year Business Plan for their prospective business.
At the end of the course the Business Plans are evaluated and if found to be viable each candidate is given a loan by Les Pecheurs which is interest free but repayable over 3 years in equal quarterly instalments.
There have been over 500 graduates from this program.
LPI has also undertaken with the understanding and approval of the Madagascan Government to help develop Andriampamaky Village as a Model Village for Madagascar.
This Model is intended to ultimately rolled out across the country on a village by village basis.
To date, LPI has undertaken the building of a Hospital, the provision of a reticulated pure water system throughout the Village, the development of a Sports Field and Change Room Facility, Careers Guidance Training and Programs and Health Education.
All administration expenses are paid for personally by the founders of LPI.
Anne visits Madagascar approximately 3 to 4 times per year, COVID permitting.
Les Pecheurs Internationale is a unique organisation and operates in a unique manner.
Candidates for the Micro-Enterprise Training Program are carefully selected from a multitude of needy people who simply need an opportunity in order to show what they are capable of achieving and also in providing for their families.
There is no charge for the course.
The staff of LPI are highly qualified and skilled.
The Business Plan which each candidate completes is unique and a blue print for them personally and their prospective business.
Every cent which is donated to LPI goes to funding of the loans made to candidates of the Training Program. The Australian Government has also granted a 100% tax deduction for sponsors of the LPI Program.
For donors to the program they receive quarterly reports based on interviews conducted by the Training Staff of LPI.
The Government of Madagascar has recognised the unique contribution made to its people and the country by Les Pecheurs Internationale.