Name of the Woman Nominee: Â Â Maria Ximena Arbelaez
Business Name: Â BOSANET
City, County: Â CALI, COLOMBIA
In which year was your business incorporated: Â 2021
Business Entity Type: Partnership (Two or More Owners) / Pvt Ltd
Company/Business Employee Size:Â 1-50 employees
Industry Type: Â Food & Beverage
Website URL :Â
Social Media: Linkedin
About the Brand/Company:
The company prepares food and beverage Latin American companies to make their dream of exporting to the United States a reality. Within its services, it offers preparation in the country of origin, preparation in compliance with the requirements of the destination (USA), procurement of buyers, and business management from logistics, financing, and marketing in the United States.
Differentiation / Competitive Edge:
Product sellers do not have to contact several suppliers; in one place, they find everything they need to export to the USA.
Other Relevant Information:
Customers love the service because it simplifies their exporting life. In the future, the business will expand its offer to other countries of origin and other categories.